4 Tips on Hosting a Family Event

4 Tips on Hosting a Family Event

4 Tips on Hosting a Family Event

Whether it’s a baby shower, engagement party, or birthday celebration, our relatives would always make it to the guest list. As we celebrate our victories and milestones, we would certainly love to have our family around to create unforgettable moments with. If you’re planning to host an upcoming family event, here are some tips that you might find handy.


1. Set the date wisely

You’re inviting guests to come instead of cancel, so the date that you set for your event is quite crucial. If you’re hosting a simple dinner party, any day will do as long as you’re venue is accessible for everyone. On the other hand, if you’re hosting a special event that would take more than an hour or two, set it on a Sunday, when almost everyone is off from work and actually has time to spare. You can also expect less latecomers with the easy Sunday traffic.


2. Put up round or long tables

Regardless what occasion you’re celebrating, family events always double as reunions. It’s a great time to catch up with a Tita you haven’t seen in ages, or a baby cousin who now brought his girlfriend over. A large, round table, or a long one would be a great idea, as it allows you to engage with everyone instead of huddling with your own parents, siblings, or kids at a table in the far corner of the room.


3. Display old pictures

When you’re with family, you share a lot of old memories. It’s always fun to reminisce love stories, funny moments, and long-time jokes with our relatives, especially the ones we grew up with. Gather some old pictures and put them on display. Whether you put them on a wall or flash them on a screen, everyone would certainly appreciate the memories.


4. Create new memories

You’re family event will soon be another old story to reminisce about, so go ahead and create new memories. Take a lot of pictures, play some games, ask for advice, or give your grandparents a hug. No matter what occasion you’re celebrating, the most important thing to do in any family event is to be in the moment and create another unforgettable story.


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