How To Travel Safe

While there’s no assurance on when we can resume traveling for leisure, we must still be wary of certain adjustments that we would need to do when we travel in the near future. Best to keep these tips in mind to ensure that you travel safely.
Washing and Sanitizing at All Times
Staying protected will always entail practicing good hygiene and frequent sanitation. For starters, invest in a trusty hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol content to keep you protected. Apart from this, you may want to ensure that you stay in locations where safety guidelines are observed. Discovery Suites is one of the local hotels that prioritize their guests' safety. Sanitation stations have been installed around the hotel and they even launched an entire program aimed at preventing the spread of the virus. You can learn more about it in this link.
Sanitation Stations at Discovery Suites
Say No to the Aisle Seat
Low-cost airline tickets were very rampant before the pandemic as operators were able to pack as many seats as possible in airline cabins. However, given the new social distancing guidelines, we can surely expect the norm to change. While staying at the aisle seat can mean more legroom for you to stretch and less risk of you bugging your neighbor every time you need to go to the restroom, there’s more chance for you to come into physical contact with people. For this reason, you may want to consider booking the window seat instead as it could also give you spectacular views especially when flying over scenic islands like Discovery Coron.
Majestic aerial shot of Discovery Coron, Palawan
Make Time for Self-Care
If the home quarantine has shown us anything, it would definitely be the value of “me time” or having time to destress when we encounter challenging situations. Although traveling might be fun, we cannot deny that you can still go through rough patches so it’s best to keep this learning in mind at all times. Be sure to pamper yourself and unwind with a spa treatment at your destination.
Tip: When flying out to Boracay you may want to check out the Terra Wellness Spa at Discovery Boracay for relaxing massages and a range of wellness treatments.
Terra Wellness Spa in Discovery Boracay
Eat Healthy
Strengthen the first line of protection against the virus and keep your body healthy especially during travel. Stay at hotels like Discovery Primea that offer well-balanced meals in their outlets. Their restaurant, Tapenade, features a salad bar and even vegan selections for those with dietary restrictions.
Salad Room in Tapenade, Discovery Primea